
Neon Genesis Evangelion Rei Ayanami and Spear of Longinus Cursor

This cute girl with blue hair, red eyes, and pale skin is called Rei Ayanami and she is the First Child and the pilot of Evangelion Unit-00 in the interesting anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. Initially, Rei Ayanami is socially aloof and rarely communicates with anyone, but as the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion develops, she begins to develop relationships with others and shows her sincere emotions. Rei is a student at Shinji's school and wields the Spear of Longinus in combat. The cartoon anime cursor from Neon Genesis Evangelion with Rei Ayanami and Spear of Longinus!

Neon Genesis Evangelion Rei Ayanami and Spear of Longinus Cursor

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